Style Guidelines

Best Practices

  • 6-7 items is the max of someone’s cognitive load. Seeing more than that will lead someone to disconnect from your content. Remember this when creating content for FAQs, cards, or if you think you need to add a new page.
  • Tone and Voice: Inclusive, informative, inviting, supportive, active, clear, nurturing, engaging, guiding. Remember these words when you are developing new content for a reader and ask yourself if your text comes across this way.
  • Do your best to remove academic jargon. We need to reach the full spectrum of students and the best way to do that is to write like you are having a conversation with them. Give clear direction and action.
  • Use only high quality images. Preferably from our office when possible.
  • Links must be descriptive (ex. Not “click here”). This is for accessibility reasons, you want your hyperlink to be descriptive for a screen reader to pick up.
  • Don’t just post a flyer onto the website. Either convert it to web content on your page or create an event!

Fonts and Headers

Heading 2

Heading 3 – This should be the largest size that you use on a page.

Heading 4 – use this for sub-headings under your main heading.

Heading 5
Heading 6 – this should be used sparingly

Be cautious when using underlines or bold text. An occasional use is fine, but if you use it to frequently it loses its value.

DO NOT highlight or change the color of text on a page.

Need Help?

Connect with a staff member and get your questions answered.
email: [email protected]