Donor Bizzini
2015 President’s Medallion Award Recipient
Bill and Dorothy Bizzini’s support of higher education is well documented. From Merced College to Cal State Stanislaus, the philanthropists have generously left their mark on campuses throughout the Central Valley.
Their $1-million donation in support of the Bill and Dorothy Bizzini Interdisciplinary Academic Center was the single largest gift in Merced College history at the time. That, along with the Bizzini’s other generous contributions to the Merced community, helped earn them the President’s Medallion at the third annual State of the College Address & Luncheon.
The Center is actually three separate buildings, one single-story building in the center that houses the campus computer and writing labs, and two two-story buildings that house the Humanities and Social Sciences divisions. The Center provides the campus with almost 23,000-square feet of new instructional space.
“The Bizzinis are very deserving of this recognition,” said Joe Doyland, Merced College Foundation Board President. “They have set a very high standard of community involvement and service to others. Their many charitable contributions over the years, not just to Merced College, but to many other organizations, are admirable and can’t be overstated.”
Residents of Atwater, the Bizzinis are owners of three veterinary hospitals and numerous residential properties and developments. Bill, a veterinarian, served on the Merced College Board of Trustees for 12 years, guiding the District through the early stages of its Facilities Master Planning process. Dorothy is a past District Governor of Rotary International and is a member of the County Bank Board of Directors.
“They have committed both their time and treasure over many years to causes dear to them, both locally and internationally,” Foundation Executive Director Robin Shepard said. “Bill and Dorothy Bizzini have, in their own humble and quiet manner, made an extraordinary impact on everyone with whom they’ve come in contact, and we are proud to honor them during this event.”