It is the intent that the District procures all materials, supplies, and services that best conform to District products, and services at the lowest overall price. To help insure this, the District obtains prices from qualified vendors through established competitive bid procedures set forth by Board Policy, Administrative Rules, Public Contract Code, and Education Code requirements.

Bidding requirements

For purchases of less than $5,000–Competitive bidding is not required. Such items may be purchased from any vendor offering the required goods or services at a reasonable price.

  • Any purchase estimated to have a total cost to the District of $5,000 to $9,999 shall be awarded through the evaluation of no less than two verbal quotations.
  • Any purchase estimated to have a total cost to the District of $10,000 to $19,999 shall be awarded through the evaluation of no less than two written quotations.
  • Any purchase estimated to have a total cost to the District of $20,000 -$114,799 shall be awarded through the evaluation of no less than three written quotations.

Quotes may be obtained by telephone, via e-mail and/or in writing from the vendor. Copies of written quotes must be obtained for goods or services items between $10,000 and $114,799.

Purchases over $114,799 except for public works projects

Formal bidding is required for a single item or an aggregate of like items (i.e. copier paper) that cost $114,799 dollars or more. Formal bidding requires that the user department write specifications describing the needed goods or services. Bid splitting is prohibited.

The department needing these materials or service will supply the Purchasing Department detailed specifications and an approved purchase requisition. The specifications are reviewed to ensure that the specifications are complete and in the proper form. The contract must be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, or the District must reject all bids.

Formal bids require a public advertisement that must be published once a week for two weeks in a local newspaper.