The role of the citizens’ oversight committee is to inform the public concerning the District’s expenditure of revenues received from the sale of bonds authorized by the voters in the county primary election of November 2002.

Committee Membership

  • Gary Giampaoli, Citizen
  • Jim Williamson, Member of College Support Organization
  • Mike Carpenter, Member of Business Community
  • Mark Schrieber, Member of Business Community
  • Katherine Judy Rose, Committee Chair, Member of Taxpayer Organization
  • Terri Radney, Member of Senior Citizen Organization
  • Bethany Lawrence, Student

Resource to Committee

Mayra Soriagalvarro
Capital Projects & Facilities Coordinator
[email protected]

Structure and Responsibilities

The Bond Election

On November 5, 2002, voters residing in the Merced Community College District (MCCD) passed Measures H and J.

Establishment of a Citizens’ Oversight Committee

When the bonds passed, Proposition 39 (state law) required that the Merced College Board of Trustees appoint a Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee to work with the community college district.


The committee will consist of at least seven (7) members and must include:

  • One (1) Business Representative – Active in a business organization representing local commerce.
  • One (1) Senior Citizen Group Representative – Active member in a senior citizens’ organization.
  • One (1) Taxpayer Organization Member – Active in a bona fide taxpayers’ association.
  • One (1) Merced College Student – Enrolled and active in a community college group.
  • One (1) Member of College Support Organization – Active in an organization, such as the Foundation.
  • Two (2) At Large Community Member – Resident of the Merced Community College District.

To be qualified person, he or she must be at least 18 years of age. No member may be an employee or official of the District or a vendor, contractor or consultant of the District.

Committee Responsibilities

In accordance with Education Code Section 15278(b), “the purpose of the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee shall be to inform the public concerning the expenditure of bond revenues.”

Specifically, the Committee shall:

  • actively review and report on the proper expenditure of taxpayers’ money for school construction;
  • ensure that bond revenues are expended pursuant to constitutional requirements;
  • receive annual performance and financial audits;
  • make annual reports to the community.

Appointment of Committee Members

All appointments will be made by the Board of Trustees, chosen from applications submitted to the District.

Time Commitment and Term

Members shall serve a minimum of a two-year term. Initial appointment were staggered, such that one-half of the initial appointees were allowed to serve one full two-year term. The other initial appointments only served one-year, but are eligible for reappointment by the Board for a second and third consecutive two-year term.


The committee is expected to meet twice a year (fall and spring) together with designated members of the District. Special meetings can be scheduled as needed.

Would You be Interested in Serving?

To apply for membership to the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee select this link.

To nominate for membership to the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee select this link.

Please submit the application materials to Merced College, Capital Projects & Facilities Office, Maintenance & Operations Building, 3600 M Street, Merced, CA 95348.

State law and committee bylaws require that committee members not have potential conflict of interest. Specifically, a committee member may not be a District employee, vendor, contractor or consultant. Employment which could result in becoming a contractor or subcontractor to the district would also be a potential conflict.