
The Curriculum Committee has primary responsibility for implementing, through a collaborative effort, the philosophy and mission of the College in the development, review and renewal of all Merced College instructional programs and courses (AP 4020).

Curriculum Committee
Meeting Location The Curriculum Committee meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays at 11:00am at the following locations: Innovation Center Collab Space (Merced), BRC- 123 (Business Resource Center); LB-B-119 (Los Banos), and zoom for AB2449 requests and public.

If you have an AB 2449 request, please contact Mark R. Sutterfield [email protected] and Maria Radhika Albert [email protected] to record the request and to inform the committee respectively.

Meeting Agenda and Minutes Merced College BoardDocs | Curriculum | Public View
CA Educational Policies The Brown Act

Title 5

California Code of Regulations

California Assembly Bills (AB)

Parliamentary Procedures

Annual Curriculum Approval Certification | Oct 19 & Nov 2 Annual Curriculum Approval Certification | Memo | 2023-24

Annual Curriculum Training – Part 1 – Oct 19. 2023 – PPT

Annual Curriculum Training – Part 1 – Oct 19. 2023 – Video

CCC Handbooks PCAH | 8th Edition | 2023

Minimum Qualifications for Faculty and Administrators in California Community Colleges | 17th Edition | 2022

California Community Colleges Curriculum Submission and Approval Technical Manual | 2023

COR | Curriculum Reference Guide | Revisited 2017

MC Resources Academic Senate Bylaws | 2023

BoardDocs | Public View

Elumen | Login View

Local Curriculum Review Approval Process Tech Review (TR) | Workflow Timeline | Pre-TR to Curriculum Agenda

Curriculum Submission Timeline | Course, Program, and Articulation

Title 5/CTE Review Cycle | Classified by ‘Schools of’ | 2023-24

C-ID Approved Courses | Merced College | 2023

Substantive and Non-Substantive Approval Process | Definition

Substantive and Non-Substantive Approval Process | Flowchart

Curriculum Documents Bloom’s Taxonomy for SLOs

Curriculum Institute Recap | 2023

CBEN Best Practices | 2023

CalGETC Standards | 1.0 | 2023

Articulation IGETC Standards

CSU GE Guiding Notes

CSU Executive Order 1061

UC-TCA Guidelines

UC-TCA Policy

C-ID Courses