Educational Master Plan
Educational Master Plan
During the 2022-2023 academic year, Merced College completed the 5-Year Merced College Educational Master Plan (EMP), which was a collaborative and participatory process and ultimately approved by the Board of Trustees. The EMP is our guiding plan to lead the College through a five-year cycle. The Educational Master Planning Committee (EMPC) is the governing body providing oversight and tracking/reporting the progress to constituencies throughout the College.
The EMP is our overarching guiding plan and the district is currently working on the Strategic Implementation Plan (SIP) which includes the operational tasks and activities to get the important work of our master plan completed.
At Merced College, students are our focus, and we are known by their success. We transform lives through education and workforce development.
Enriching our community through educational experiences and support services:
- Degree/Certificate Programs
- Transfer
- Career Technical Education
- Workforce Training
- Lifelong Learning
- Basic Skills
- Community Engagement
Merced College promotes student success through equitable access, continuous quality improvement, and institutional effectiveness, all with a focus on student achievement.
Making A Difference
2018-2023 EMP Report
Background and History
The EMP was drafted as a participatory governance process through the EMP Task Force. The purpose of the EMP Task Force is to serve as a working group for development of the Merced College 2023-2028 Educational Master Plan (EMP). The EMP Task Force completed the following tasks:
- Ensure representation of all areas of the College in developing the EMP.
- Work in collaboration with Vivayic Consulting, providing input and feedback throughout the process of the plan’s development.
- Support alignment of the EMP with the College’s Mission, Vision, and Values.
- Keep students, student success, and service to the Merced College region at the center of discussion during EMP development.
- Exemplify quality employee engagement, advocate for additional internal stakeholder engagement, and serve as a communication body to the rest of the internal Merced College community, including the Los Banos Campus.
- Abide by team guidelines.