Cal Grant
Cal Grants are offered by the State of California to students attending eligible California institutions of higher education. The Cal Grant program is administered by the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC). Grants are funds that do not have to be repaid as long as you complete your courses successfully.
Cal Grant A & B generally cover up to 4 years of full time attendance (typically 2 years of that at a community college). In order to graduate within 4 years a student must take at least 15 units per semester.
Apply for the Cal Grant
Learn even more about the Cal Grant and how to apply on their website.
Types of Cal Grants
Cal Grants are awarded by the State of California and do not have to be repaid.
- What it Covers
Cal Grant B Entitlement and Competitive awards provide up to $1,648 for books and living expenses, for full-time community college students. If you transfer to an eligible four-year college or university, Cal Grant B also helps pay for tuition, fees, and living expenses.
- Eligibility
Cal Grant B Entitlement awards are for first-year, low-income students whose academic program is at least one academic year.
Cal Grant B Competitive awards are for disadvantaged and low-income students who have a minimum 2.0 grade point average (GPA) and are enrolled in an academic program that is at least one year long.
- How to Apply
To apply for a Cal Grant, you must submit the following by March 2 each year you are eligible:
- FAFSA or the California Dream Act application* (if you do not have a social security number)
- Verified Cal Grant GPA(Note: If you have completed at least 16 transferable/degree-applicable units and attended Merced College in the last 10 years, then your GPA will be submitted electronically. No paper Cal Grant GPA Verification form is needed.)
* Cal Grant Freeze Date (Census Day) will be applied to determine course enrollment eligibility. The number of units a student is enrolled in by the Census Day will determine the amount of Cal Grant is awarded.
* DACA and AB 540 students are not eligible for Cal Grant Competitive awards.
Cal Grants are awarded by the State of California and do not have to be repaid.
- The Cal Grant C program provides Free Money to students pursing an occupational or technical program.
- What it Covers
Cal Grant C awards pays $2,462 for tuition and fees and $547 for books, tools, and equipment at any Cal Grant eligible private for profit or private nonprofit institution. Cal Grant C awards pays up to $1,094 at any California Community College
- Students with dependent children (children under the age of 18 to whom the students provides 50% or more support to) may be eligible for up to $4,000 at a California Community College.
Cal Grant C awards are for students enrolled in vocational programs that are at least four months long. Funding is available for up to two years, depending on the length of your program.
- How to Apply
To apply for a Cal Grant C award, you must submit the following by March 2 each year you are eligible:
- FAFSA or the California Dream Act application* (if you do not have a social security number)
- Verified Cal Grant GPA(Note: If you have completed at least 16 transferable/degree-applicable units and attended Merced College in the last 10 years, then your GPA will be submitted electronically. No paper Cal Grant GPA Verification form is needed.
* Cal Grant Freeze Date (Census Day) will be applied to determine course enrollment eligibility. The number of units a student is enrolled in by the Census Day will determine the amount of Cal Grant is awarded.
The Student Success Completion Grant (SSCG) provides up to $8,000 per year to pay for educational costs.
This award is not guaranteed and is limited on available funding.
To qualify for a SSCG, you must be:
- A Cal Grant B or C recipient
- Enrolled in at least 12 units each semester
As of the 2022-23 Award Year, students enrolled in 12 to 14.99 units will receive $1298 for that semester. Students enrolled in 15 or more units will receive $4,000 for that semester.
* Cal Grant Freeze Date (Census Day) will be applied to determine course enrollment eligibility. The number of units a student is enrolled in by the Census Day will determine the amount of SSCG is awarded.
How to Apply
Students who qualify will be notified. No additional application is necessary for eligibility for the SSCG.
Who is considered for a Competitive Award:
- Students who are not awarded a Cal Grant Entitlement award
- Students who meet the general Cal Grant eligibility requirements
- Students who complete a FAFSA or Dream Act Application
Competitive awards are limited to 41,000 awards each academic year. Students who are awarded a competitive award must claim their awards electronically using WebGrants for Students. Students are scored and selected for this award based on information from their CADA/FAFSA and their GPA. Scoring components include: GPA, parent education level, access equalizer, student or parent household status, family income and household size. 20,500 competitive awards are offered to students who meet the March 2nd filing deadline. 20,500 additional competitive awards are offered to students who are enrolled at a California Community College for the fall term and have a GPA reported by the September 2nd filing deadline.
California Community College students with 12 units or more may qualify for an augmented Cal Grant B Access award. The amount will vary depending upon the number of qualifying students. Check with your college’s financial aid office to see if you qualify for the increased Access award.
The California Dream Act Service Incentive Grant Program (DSIG) encourages California Dream Act Applicant (CADAA) Students with a Cal Grant A award that met Cal Grant B eligibility or a Cal Grant B award to perform community or volunteer service. The California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) will award up to $4,500 per academic year (up to $2,250 per semester or up to $1,500 per quarter) to 1,667 eligible students. The grant will be available to the student for up to 8 semesters or up to 12 quarters while they have an active Cal Grant A or B award. Students must also meet Satisfactory Academic Progress and complete any necessary verification for their Cal Grant award.
Who is eligible for the California Dream Act Service Incentive Grant Program (DSIG)?
• Completed and submitted California Dream Act Application (CADAA) for that academic year.
• Active recipient of a Cal Grant A or Cal Grant B Award. Cal Grant A recipients must have met Cal Grant B
• Demonstrate enough financial need (determined by CSAC or the institution).
• Enrolled in a qualifying institution.
Applicants and current Cal Grant awardees should check their Cal Grant status on the web using Webgrants.
Go to My Grant Info. Students will need to create an account. All students are encouraged to use the Webgrants for Students website to track their application status online. Students may use Webgrants to:
- Check if your application data has been received by CSAC
- Check your award status and view your payment history
- Check your address on file and update it online
- See how your Cal Grant might change if you attend a different school
- Report a Leave of Absence if you were awarded but will not be attending
Additional Cal Grant Information:
CSAC Student Support Services
[email protected]
Existing Law:
Education Code Sections 69430 through 69433.9 establish the Cal Grant Program to provide specified types of financial aid awards for eligible students attending a California postsecondary institution. Education Code Section 69431.7 creates the College Access Tax Credit Fund to cover administrative costs related to this credit and supplement Cal Grant awards
Bill Purpose:
The purpose of this bill is to strengthen the transfer pathway from California community colleges to Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) by providing eligible students with a financial aid award that will help cover their total cost of attendance.
Requirements Under New Law:
This bill provides certain HBCU community college transfer students with a financial aid award from the College Access Tax Credit Fund. The bill amends and repeals Education Code Section 69431.7, adds Education Code Section 69840, and amends Revenue and Taxation Code Section 17053.87.
Specifically, the bill:
- Authorizes the College Access Tax Credit (CATC) moneys to be used for financial aid awards for participating students that transfer to a HBCU that has an Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) memoranda of understanding (MOU) with the Chancellor’s Office commencing with the 2024- 25 award year.
- Authorizes the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) to make disbursements of CATC moneys directly to partnered HBCUs for postsecondary cost of their participating students.
- Specifies that a participating student may only receive one award that does not exceed $5,000 and requires the CSAC to give priority to students with the greatest unmet financial
- Requires the participating student to file a statement of intent form stating that the student will enroll at a partnered HBCU and return to California after graduation.