Do I Qualify for EOPS?

Please use the guidelines below to assist you in deducting if you qualify for EOPS participation. Not sure? Please contact our dedicated staff with all of your EOPS questions today!

  • You must be classified as California resident or AB540 eligible.
    • More information.Dream Act/AB540 students also qualify
  • Be enrolled in 12 units or more for the Fall 2022 semester
    • Exception: NextUp eligible Foster Youth (9 units or more )
  • Not have completed more than 70 units of degree applicable college level course work
    • Including units from other colleges
  • Not have received a degree or certificate
  • Complete the 2022-2023 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at or the California Dream Act Application at
    • You must apply for Financial Aid before applying for EOPS
    • You may contact the Financial Aid Office through live chat or visit the Financial Aid Office, located in the 3rd floor of the Lesher Building , for assistance with either application.
    • You must qualify for the California College Promise Grant (Check with an EOPS staff member for your specific status.)
  • Be educationally disadvantaged by satisfying one of the following criteria:
    • Not a high school graduate
    • Not eligible for college level English or math unit classes
    • High school GPA less than 2.5 on a 4.0 point scale
    • Be a first generation college student
  • For other factors, check with an EOPS staff member

EOPS students are required to maintain satisfactory academic progress as outlined in their Student Agreement contract.

As an EOPS student you may also qualify for CARE (a special program for single parents receiving cash aid assistance).

  1. You will first need to Apply to Merced College by completing:
    • The online application
    • Placement Questionnaire
    • Merced College Online Orientation
  2. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the California Dream Act Application. Links for these can be found on the Financial Aid webpages.
  3. Enroll in 12 units or more for the semester
    1. NextUp eligible student are required to enroll in 9 units or more
    2. If you attended any other college you must submit official transcripts from other colleges you attended to the Merced College Admissions & Records Office.
  4. Complete, electronically sign, and submit your online EOPS Application. Please see instructions below on how to sign-in.
    1. You must save your completed application and email it to [email protected]
    2. You must use your Merced College student email account to submit your application.
    3. It may take up to two weeks for an EOPS staff member to process your application and verify eligibility.

Please use the same username and password you use to sign into the portal. See example below:

Be sure to checkout our other two programs: CARE for single parents and NextUp for former/current foster youth.

Thank you for your interest.